Southeast Asia Mollusca
Southeast Asia Mollusca Identification page is created to make identification of common species found in South East Asia easy. The list below are the molluscs found in Malaysia. The list also include name in languages and dialect used in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.
Species Group: Freshwater Molluscs (ISSCAAP 51)
Common Name: Marsh Clam, Mangrove Clam, Broad Geloina
Scientific Name: Polymesoda expansa Mousson, 1849
Family: Cyrenidae, Corbiculidae
Chinese Name: China - 歪红树蚬 (Wāi hóng shù xiǎn)
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยกัน (H̄oy kạn)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Lokan
Remarks: All other Malaysia and Indonesia local language also call it Lokan
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Species Group: Abalones, Winkles, Conchs (ISSCAAP 52)
Common Name: Spiral Babylon
Scientific Name: Babylonia spirata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Chinese Name: 东风螺 (Dōngfēng luó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Harimau, Siput Manis
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยหวาน (H̄oy h̄wān), หอยตุ๊กแก (H̄oy túkkæ), หอยหูกระต่าย (H̄oy h̄ūkrat̀āy)
Main Identification Features: Spiral rows of round darker brown patches on lighter brown (yellowish) background.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on mud, sand and shell substrates at depth range 0 - 60 m.

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Common Name: Spiral Melongena, Melon Conch
Scientific Name: Volegalea cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Melongenidae
Chinese Name: 棕香螺 (Zōng xiāng luó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Unam
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยสังข์ปุ่มเกลียวเวียน (H̄oy sang pùm kelīyw weīyn)
Main Identification Features: Shell relatively large (up to 15 cm long), solid and heavy, broadly fusiform in outline. Spire conical and tall, with angulate shoulders and incised sultures. Suture not spinose. Outer lip of aperture angulate at shoulder. Siphonal canal moderately long.
Habitat and Ecology: Inhabits intertidal and shallow subtidal zones, in muddy areas, often in brackish waters, near estuaries and mangroves. Feeds on barnacles and bivalves.

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Common Name: Ramose Murex, Giant Murex, Branched Murex
Scientific Name: Chicoreus ramosus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Muricidae
Chinese Name: 大千手螺 (Dàqiān shǒu luó), 大刺螺 (Dà cì luó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Ruki
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยสังข์หน้ายักษ์ (H̄oy sang nayak), หอยสังข์มะระ (H̄oy sang mera)
Main Identification Features: Shell large sized, whitish in colour. Outer lip margin with a tooth-like process. Aperture white interiorly, with pink margins.
Size: Maximum shell length 33 cm, commonly to 20 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Intertidal and shallow sublittoral zones to a depth of about 10 m. Often on clean coarse sand and rubble bottoms in which large individuals partially bury themselves. Preys on bivalves and other gastropods.

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Common Name: Rarespined Murex
Scientific Name: Murex trapa Röding, 1798
Family: Muricidae
Chinese Name: 宝岛骨螺 (Bǎo dǎo gǔ luó), 刺螺 (Cì luó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Duri, Siput Gasi
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยสังข์หนามเล็ก (H̄oy sang nam lek)
Local Hokkien: Chi Lay
Main Identification Features: Siphonal canal elongate with only 3-4 spines.
Size: Maximum shell length 11.5 cm, commonly to 10 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Muddy-sand bottoms. Low tide and shallow sublittoral zones to depth of about 37 m. Preys on bivalves and other gastropods.
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Common Name: Chameleon Nerite, Textile Nerite
Scientific Name: Nerita chamaeleon Linnaeus, 1758
Family: Neritidae
Chinese Name: 大圆蜑螺 (Dàyuán dànluó), 矮狮蜑螺 (Ǎishī dànluó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Timba Batik, Tekuyung Timba Batik, Sihik
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยน้าพริก (H̄oyn̂ả phrik)
Main Identification Features: Shell thick, globose, with a low spire. Outer surface with numerous, moderately rough spiral cords. Semi-circular calcified operculum. Variable in outer colour pattern. Often misidentified as Nerita histrio. N. chamaeleon have higher spire, smoother ribs, more-distinct teeth in the outer lip and the consistently smoother and more regularly rounded outline of the peristome.
Habitat and Ecology: Inhabits intertidal rocky shores, intertidal flats and sandy substrates. Herbivorous, feeding mainly on algae.

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Common Name: Scaly Nerite Snail
Scientific Name: Nerita histrio Linnaeus, 1758
Family: Neritidae
Chinese Name: 花圆蜑螺 (Huā yuán dànluó), 圆蜑螺 (Yuán dànluó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Timba, Tekuyung Timba, Sihik
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยน้ำ (H̄oyn̂ả)
Main Identification Features: Shell texture rough with unevenly raised spiral ribs. Spire low to nearly flat. Underside smooth. Outer lip dentate and without distinct tooth. Operculum flesh-coloured, granulate and not flat. Shell colour and markings are variable.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on rocks, structure, mangrove tree trunks and roots in mangrove swamp, and rocky, muddy or sandy beaches.
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Common Name: Planaxis Snail, Tropical Periwinkle, Furrowed Clusterwink, False Winkle
Scientific Name: Planaxis sulcatus (Born, 1778)
Family: Planaxidae
Chinese Name: 芝麻螺 (Zhīma luó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Laut
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยเปลือกหนาธรรมดา (H̄oy pelụ̄xk h̄nā ṭhrrmdā)
Main Identification Features: Shell conic-ovate, greenish brown-black with white spotted patterns. Anterior siphonal canal of the aperture distinct. Inner lip and lining the ovate aperture dark purple. Head and foot is yellowish-green with black horizontal stripes. Foot short and the sole is white to dirty white in colour.
Habitat and Ecology: Commonly found in the rocky upper and middle zones of intertidal environments throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Herbivorous, feeding primarily on microalgae.

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Common Name: Girdled Horn Snail
Scientific Name: Cerithidea cingulata (Gmelin, 1791)
Family: Potamididae
Chinese Name: 栓海蜷 (Shuān hǎi quán), 珠带拟蟹守螺 (Zhū dài nǐ xiè shǒu luó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Laut, Keong Tanduk Hitam (Indonesia)
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยเจดีย์ (H̄oy cedi)
Main Identification Features: Shell elongate and thick. Whorls separated by shallow sutures. Sculpture composed of spiral ridges interspersed by strong axial ribs. Aperture ovate. Columella straight. Outer lip thick and expanded broadly. Anterior siphonal canal demarcated by a deep notch. Overall dark brown with a whitish band above the suture.
Size: Maximum shell length 4.5 cm, commonly to 3.5 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Abundant on mud flats near mangroves and in brackish water. Usually found in the upper bottom layer of mud which is almost liquid. Obligate deposit feeder, feeds on macroalgae, bacteria and diatoms.
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Common Name: Red Chut-chut Snail, Red Eye Snail. Obtuse Horn Shell, Mud Creeper
Scientific Name: Cerithidea obtusa (Lamarck, 1822)
Family: Potamididae
Chinese Name: 吸螺 (Xī luó), 午夜香吻 (Wǔyè xiāng wěn), 斑海蜷 (Bān hǎi quán)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Sedut, Siput Mata Merah, Belitong, Keong Matah Merah (Indonesia)
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยจุ๊บแจง (H̄oy cúbcæng)
Local Hokkien: Balitong, Chut-chut
Main Identification Features: Shell opening wide usually with a thick flaring lip. Red markings on body and foot. Other similar species are Cerithidea quadrata (Black chut-chut) and Terebralia sulcata (Supposedly the real Belitong). Cerithidea quadrata have more elongated shell, thin lip, and without red markings on body and around foot. Terebralia sulcata have a distinctive shell opening at the tip called the peristome and a more conical shell.
Size: Maximum shell length 5.0 cm, width 2.7 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found generally at the root and branches of mangrove trees, above the substrate, or on the mudbank in the tidal area.
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Common Name: Dog Conch, Yellow Conch, Pearl Conch
Scientific Name: Strombus canarium (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Strombidae
Chinese Name: 贡贡 (Gòng gòng), 水晶凤凰螺 (Shuǐ jīng fèng huáng luó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Gong-gong, Siput Tarik
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยชักตีน (H̄oy chạk tīn)
Local Hokkien: Gong Gong
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Common Name: Toothed Top Shell Snail, Lipped Periwinkle
Scientific Name: Monodonta labio (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Trochidae
Chinese Name: 单齿螺 (Dān chǐ luó), 草席钟螺 (Cǎo xí zhōng luó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Timba
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยนมสาว (H̄oy nong s̄āw), หอยก้นแหลม (H̄xy kun h̄ælm)
Main Identification Features: Shell thick heavy, an asymmetrical cone with spirals of rounded bumps. Umbilicus sealed with a callus. Colour usually grey or greenish grey. A tooth in its shell opening. Inner edge of the outer lip shows a number of smaller knobs. Foot fringed with long tentacles.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on or under rocks and coral in the lower intertidal zone. A herbivorous snail, grazing on microalgae.

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Common Name: Maculated Top, Spotted Top Shell Snail
Scientific Name: Trochus maculatus Linnaeus, 1758
Family: Trochidae
Chinese Name: 花斑钟螺 (Huā bān zhōng luó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Tudung Saji, Olak
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยนมสาว (H̄oy nong s̄āw)
Main Identification Features: Base of shell flat, with many low and finely beaded spiral threads. Umbilicus is present, spirally corded. Columella with 4 to 5 low spiral cords, giving its margin a multi-dentate aspect.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on or in crevices of rocks and coral in the intertidal zone to a depth of about 10 m. Feeds on macrophytes, algae and benthic diatoms.

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Common Name: Duplicate Turret, Duplicate Screw Shell
Scientific Name: Turritella duplicata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Turritellidae
Chinese Name: 佛塔锥螺 (Fó tǎ zhuī luó), 长螺 (Cháng luó)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Kon, Siput Skru, Siput Germit, Tuntul
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยเจดีย์ (H̄oy cedi), หอยมวนพลู (H̄oy mun phlūū)
Local Hokkien: Teng Lo
Main Identification Features: Shell elongate, sharply conical, with numerous whorls and rounded aperture. Sides of the whorls sharply keeled. Siphonal canal absent.
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Common Name: Noble Volute
Scientific Name: Cymbiola nobilis (Lightfoot, 1786)
Family: Volutidae
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Batik
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยจุกพราหมณ์ (H̄oy cukphrāh̄m)
Main Identification Features: Thick heavy shell, with orange, yellow, beige or black background, and with red or brown zig-zag patterns. Spire conical and prominent. Fleshy body of the snail is black with bright yellow or orange spots.
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Species Group: Oysters (ISSCAAP 53)
Common Name: White Hammer Oyster
Scientific Name: Malleus albus Lamarck, 1819
Family: Malleidae
Chinese Name: 白丁蛎 (Bái dīng lì), 槌头蚝 (Chuí tóu háo)
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยขวำน (H̄oy k̄hwản)

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Common Name: Tropical Oyster, Mangrove Oyster, Cupped Oyster
Scientific Name: Crassostrea belcheri (G. B. Sowerby II, 1871)
Family: Ostreidae
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Tiram Kapak, Tiram Tropika
Chinese Name: 蚝 (Háo), 牡蛎 (Mǔ lì)
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยตะโกรมกรามขาว (H̄oy takorm krām k̄hāw)
Main Identification Features: Shells large and thick with smooth and white internal surfaces; with concentric growth rings but without noticeable ribs. Right (upper) valve flat and smaller than left (lower) valve. Left (lower) valves are thicker convex beneath the hinge area. Adductor muscle scar white, half-moon shaped, dorsally placed. Inner mantle slightly brownish. Mantle fold black.
Habitat and Ecology: Found in the intertidal zone, usually attached to the aerial roots of mangroves.
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Species Group: Mussels (ISSCAAP 54)
Common Name: Asian Brown Mussel, Green Mussel
Scientific Name: Perna viridis Linnaeus, 1758
Family: Mytilidae
Chinese Name: 翡翠贻贝 (Fěicuì yí bèi), 绿壳菜蛤 (Lǜ qiào cài há), 青口贝 (Qīng kǒu bèi)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Sudu, Kupang
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยแมลงภู่ (H̄oy mælangp̣hū̀)
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Species Group: Scallops, Pectens (ISSCAAP 55)
Common Name: Asian Moon Scallop
Scientific Name: Amusium pleuronectes (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Pectinidae
Chinese Name: 扇贝 (Shànbèi), 元贝 (Yuán bèi), 干贝 (Gānbèi), 江珧柱 (Jiāngyáozhù), 带子 (Dàizi), 亚洲日月蛤 (Yàzhōu rì yuè há), 明目鱼 (Míng mù yú)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Piring, Kekapis, Kapis
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยเชลล์ (H̄oy chell), หอยพัด (H̄oy phạd)
Local Hokkien: Kang Gia Chu
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Common Name: Flag Pen Shell, Indo-Pacific Pen Shell
Scientific Name: Atrina vexillum (Born, 1778)
Family: Pinnidae
Chinese Name: 黑旗江珧蛤 (Hēi qí jiāng yáo há), 海鸟 (Hǎi niǎo)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Kemudi, Siput Kipas, Siput Beliung, Siput Baji, Peha Ayam
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยจอบ (H̄oy cob), หอยซองพลู (H̄oy song phlū)
Local Hokkien: Hai Chiau
Main Identification Features: Shell truncate at the outer margin, thick and solid. Shell semitranslucent, dark reddish brown to nearly black in colour.

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Common Name: Bicolor Pen Shell, Bicolor Fan Clam, Two-coloured Fan Shell
Scientific Name: Pinna bicolor Gmelin, 1791
Family: Pinnidae
Chinese Name: 紫色裂江珧 (Zǐsè liè jiāng yáo), 双色江珧蛤 (Shuāngsè jiāng yáo há), 海鸟 (Hǎi niǎo)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Kemudi, Siput Kipas, Siput Beliung, Siput Baji, Panggang Pulut, Peha Ayam
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยจอบ (H̄oy cob), หอยซองพลู (H̄oy song phlū)
Local Hokkien: Hai Chiau
Main Identification Features: Shell thin, inflected at the lateral margin. Translucent, yellowish and light horn to dark brownish purple in colour.

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Common Name: Pen Shell, Fan Mussel
Scientific Name: Pinna incurva Gmelin, 1791
Family: Pinnidae
Chinese Name: 细长裂江珧 (Xì cháng liè jiāng yáo), 海鸟 (Hǎi niǎo)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Kemudi, Siput Kipas, Siput Beliung, Siput Baji, Peha Ayam
Local Hokkien: Hai Chiau
Main Identification Features: Shell narrow, long, with keel-like ridge, with transverse undulate wrinkles. Colour of the shell light reddish brown to yellowish-horn.

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Species Group: Clams, Cockles, Arkshells (ISSCAAP 56)
Common Name: Blood Cockle, Granular Ark
Scientific Name: Anadara granosa (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Arcidae
Chinese Name: 血蚶 (Xuè hān), 蛳蚶 (Sī hān)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerang
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยแครง (H̄oy khræng)
Local Cantonese: Si Haam
Local Hokkien: Haam
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Common Name: Surf Clam, Bean Clam, Wedge Clam, Cuneate Donax Clam
Scientific Name: Donax cuneatus Linnaeus, 1758
Family: Donacidae
Chinese Name: 楔形斧蛤 (Xiēxíng fǔ gé)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Remis
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยเสียบ (H̄oy s̄eīyb)
Local Hokkien/Teochew Name: Siput

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Common Name: Green Glauconomya
Scientific Name: Glauconome virens (Linnaeus, 1767)
Family: Glauconomidae
Chinese Name: 哆头蛏 (Duō tóu chēng), 绿昙蛤 (Lǜ tán há), 滩 (Tān)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Biji Nangka, Siput Cangkul, Kijing (Indonesia)
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยเม็ดขนุน (H̄oy mĕd k̄hnun), หอยกาบน้ำเค็ม (H̄oy kāb n̂ảkhĕm)
Local Hokkien: Than, Tua-tao
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Common Name: Corrugate Lucine
Scientific Name: Austriella corrugata (Deshayes, 1843)
Family: Lucinidae
Japanese Name | 和名: シワツキガイ (Shiwa tsuki gai)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ibau, Imbaw
Main Identification Features: Shell large (Shell length to 73 mm, commonly 50 mm) and thick. Umbonal area often deeply eroded. Sculpture of numerous prominent, low, irregular, concentric lamellae, occasionally intercalating, with faint radial striations between lamellae. Hinge plate teeth absent.
Habitat and Ecology: Found in the intertidal to 10 m depth, deep burrower in mangroves mud.

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Common Name: Javanese Razor Clam
Scientific Name: Pharella javanica (Lamarck, 1818)
Family: Pharidae
Chinese Name: 灯塔蛤 (Dēngtǎ há), 蛏 (Chēng), 指甲滩 (Zhǐjiǎ tān), 花滩 (Huā tān)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerang Jubing (Indonesia), Siput Pahat (Malaysia)
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Common Name: Chinese Venus Clam
Scientific Name: Callista chinensis Holten, 1802
Family: Veneridae
Chinese Name: 中华长文蛤 (Zhōnghuá zhǎngwén gé), 中国仙女蛤 (Zhōngguó xiānnǚ há)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Gayam, Kapah Nangka
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Common Name: Asiatic Hard Clam
Scientific Name: Meretrix meretrix (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Veneridae
Chinese Name: 文蛤 (Wén há), 甲巴 (Jiǎ bā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kunau, Kepah, Dalus
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยตลับ (H̄oy telạb)
Local Hokkien: Kapah

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Common Name: Textile Venus, Carpet Clam
Scientific Name: Paphia textile (Gmelin, 1791), Paratapes textilis (Gmelin, 1791)
Family: Veneridae
Chinese Name: Taiwan - 织纹横帘蛤 (Zhī wén héng lián há), China - 织锦巴非蛤 (Zhījǐn bā fēi há), 啦啦 (Lā lā), 花蛤 (Huā há)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Siput Lala, Retak Seribu
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หอยลาย (H̄oy lāy)
Remarks: All Malaysia and Indonesia local dialect call it Lala.
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Species Group: Squids, Cuttlefishes, Octopuses, etc (ISSCAAP 57)
Common Name: Bigfin Reef Squid
Scientific Name: Sepioteuthis lessoniana d'Orbigny, 1826
Family: Loliginidae
Chinese Name: 为椭圆形鱿鱼 (Wèi tuǒyuán xíng yóuyú), 软翅仔 (Ruǎn chì zǐ), 莱氏拟乌贼 (Lái shì nǐ wūzéi), 青眼 (Qīngyǎn)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Sotong Mabang, Sotong Mengabang, Maban
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หมึกหอม (Mụk hom), หมึกตะเภา (Muk Tap phau)
Local Hokkien: Cheh Bak
Main Identification Features: Identified by its green eyes with wide fins.

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Common Name: Mitre Squid
Scientific Name: Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis (Gray, 1849)
Family: Loliginidae
Chinese Name: 中国枪乌贼 (Zhōngguó qiāng wūzéi), 中国鱿鱼 (Zhōngguó yóuyú), 台湾锁管 (Táiwān suǒ guǎn), 苏东 (Sū dōng)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Sotong Peluru, Cumi-cumi
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หมึกกล้วย (Mụk klway)
Local Hokkien: Sotong
Main Identification Features: Mantle elongate, slender, cylindrical anteriorly and tapered posteriorly to a blunt point, cutaneous ridge on ventral midline absent. Mantle width 23–35% of mantle length. Fins large, rhombic, anterior margin slightly convex, posterior margin concave, over 60% of mantle length in adults. Head small, broad, head width narrower than mantle width. Eyes prominent. Tentacles moderately long and slender. Club suckers quadriserial, about 12 medial manal suckers are larger than lateral ones. Large tentacular sucker rings with 20–30 sharp, separate conical teeth, 6 to 12 larger teeth interspersed with 1 to 5 smaller ones. Numerous brown chromatophores scattered all over the dorsal and ventral mantle, head, arms and fins.
Size: Maximum 49 cm mantle length, commonly to 20 cm mantle length. Males grow to 49 cm mantle length, females to 31 cm mantle length.
Habitat and Ecology: Coastal waters ranging from 15 to 170 m depth, commonly from 30 to 50 m depth. Male and female adults usually die shortly after spawning and brooding, respectively.

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Common Name: Emperor Nautilus, Chambered Nautilus
Scientific Name: Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus, 1758
Family: Nautilidae
Chinese Name: 鹦鹉螺 (Yīngwǔ luó)
Main Identification Features: Umbilicus small, covered by a calcareous deposit. Brown to reddish brown striped colour pattern. Shell generally smooth, without growth lines.
Habitat and Ecology: Inhabits continental shelf and slope, around coral reefs, from near the surface to a depth of about 750 m. Spends most of the day in deep water, migrates up the coral reef slopes to forage for food at night. Scavengers and opportunistic predators feeding mainly on crustaceans.

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Common Name: Spineless Cuttlefish
Scientific Name: Sepiella inermis (Van Hasselt [in Férussac & d'Orbigny], 1835)
Family: Sepiidae
Chinese Name: 墨鱼 (Mòyú), 墨斗 (Mòdǒu)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Sotong Katak
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: หมึกกระดองก้นไหม้ (Mụk kradong kon mai)
Local Hokkien: Bak Tau
Main Identification Features: Head short and broad. Eyes large and convex. Pupil W-shape in light and round in darkness. Cuttlebone spine absent. 8 or 9 iridescent patches along base of each fin.
Habitat and Ecology: A demersal, shallow-water species, from the surface to a depth of 40 m. Able to camouflage by contracting and relaxing the muscles around the chromatophore cells to change colour. Feeds on fishes, crustaceans and occasionally cephalopods.

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ISSCAAP = International Standard Statistical Classification of Aquatic Animals and Plants
sp. = Species
spp. = Several Species (Species Plural)