Southeast Asia Crustacean
Crustacean is a group of freshwater and saltwater animals having no backbone, with jointed legs and a hard shell made of chitin. This page is created to make identification of common species found in South East Asia easy. The list below are the crustacean species caught in Malaysia. The list also includes name in languages and dialect used in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.
Species Group: Freshwater crustaceans (ISSCAAP 41)
Common Name: Giant Freshwater Prawn, Giant Malaysian Prawn
Scientific Name: Macrobrachium dacqueti (Sunier, 1925), previously Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879)
Family: Palaemonidae
Chinese Name: 大头虾 (Dàtóu xiā), 生虾 (Shēng xiā), 罗氏沼虾 (Luōshì zhǎo xiā), 淡水长臂大虾 (Dànshuǐ cháng bì dà xiā), 马来西亚大虾 (Mǎláixīyà dà xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Galah, Sepit Biru, Jongkong, Jenggo, Jerangkung
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งก้ามกราม (Kûng k̂āmkrām)
Local Hokkien: Tua Thau Heh
Local Teochew: Tua Thau Heh
Local Cantonese: Dai Tau Ha, Sang Ha
Main Identification Features: Carapace large and hard. Rostum very long. Rostral basal crest low. Tip of telson reaches distinctly beyond the posterior spines of the telson. Several dark blue areas visible near margins of abdomen segments, telson and uropods. Pleural condyle of 4th to 6th segments with dark orange markings. Chelipeds are generally blue but the second chelipeds can be orange. Adult male has very long second chelipeds in which all segments are elongate and have blunt spines.
Size: Males can reach up to 320 mm in total body length, females can grow up to 250 mm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found in turbid water that is directly or indirectly connected with the sea. Larvae require brackish water to survive. Larvae feeds continuously, principally on zooplankton, worms, and the larval stages of other aquatic invertebrates. After larval stage they migrate upstream into freshwater. Become omnivorous, feeding on aquatic insects and their larvae, algae, nuts, grain, seeds, fruits, mollusks, crustaceans, fish, and the offal of fish and other animals.
Remarks: This particular species (M. dacqueti) occurs in Asian mainland from Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, southern China, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo and Java island. Another similar species (M. rosenbergii) occurs in the Philippines, the Indonesian regions of Sulawesi and Irian Jaya, Papua New Guinea and northern Australia.

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Common Name: Freshwater Torrent Prawn
Scientific Name: Macrobrachium platycheles Ou & Yeo, 1995
Family: Palaemonidae
Chinese Name: 淡水虾 (Dànshuǐ xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Air Tawar Bukit
Main Identification Features: Rostrum short, not extending beyond antennular peduncle. Carpus conical, very short compared to merus. Major chelipeds sub-equal. Chelipeds laterally flattened and broad. Fingers shorter than palm. Mottled grey or brown with brown or black bands. Dense velvet hairs on almost entire chela in mature adults.
Habitat and Ecology: Benthic, found in fast flowing, clear water forest stream.
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Species Group: Sea spiders, crabs, etc (ISSCAAP 42)
Common Name: Spider Crab
Family: Majidae
Scientific Name: Schizophrys aspera (Milne-Edwards, 1834)
Chinese Name: 粗甲裂額蟹 (Cū jiǎ liè é xiè)
Japanese Name | 和名: ノコギリガニ (Nokogirigani)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ketam Laba-laba
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูแมงมุมขอบหนาม (Pū mængmum k̄hxb h̄nām)
Main Identification Features: Carapace pyriform (pear-shaped), with 2 pronounced rostral horns. Claws slender, smooth towards the end, with white tips. Only 1 accessory spine near the base of each rostral horns. Schizophrys dama has 2 accessory spines near the base of each rostral horns.
Size: Maximum carapace width 6 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on rocks, especially near reefs, from intertidal to 40 m depth. Feeds on mollusks and small arthropods.
Remarks: A study found the species at Okinawan coral reef with paralytic shellfish toxins.

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Common Name: Maroon Stone Crab
Scientific Name: Menippe rumphii (Fabricius, 1798)
Family: Menippidae
Chinese Name: 雷公蟳 (Léigōng xún), 缪氏哲蟹 (Móu shì zhé xiè), 破裂哲扇蟹 (Pòliè zhé shàn xiè)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ketam Batu
Indonesian Name | Nama Indonesia: Kepiting Batu
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูใบ้ม่วง (Pū bı̂ m̀uang)
Main Identification Features: In life eyes color red, without green. Carapace ovate, smooth, regions well defined; 4 broad lobiform teeth on each anterolateral margin. Carapace and appendages reddish brown to pinkish brown and maroon in adults.
Habitat and Ecology: Prefers shallow to intertidal waters, on sandy-muddy substrates, usually under rocks.
Remarks: Be careful of the powerful claws. Do not handle if not trained.

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Common Name: Banded-leg Swimming Crab, Banded-leg Rock Crab
Scientific Name: Charybdis annulata (Fabricius, 1798)
Family: Portunidae
Chinese Name: 環紋蟳 (Huán wén xún)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ketam
Indonesian Name | Nama Indonesia: Kepiting
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูหินขาลาย (Pū h̄in k̄hā lāy)
Main Identification Features: Shows distinctive broad blue and white bands on the legs when alive. First anterolateral tooth (beside the eye) pointed, not truncate or notched. Maximum carapace width 7 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Prefers rocky areas and reefs, found from the intertidal zone to a depth of about 20 m. Occasionally collected for food.

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Common Name: Crucifix Crab
Scientific Name: Charybdis feriatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Portunidae
Chinese Name: 锈斑蟳 (Xiùbān xún), 十字蟹 (Shízì xiè)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ketam Karang, Ketam Kristian
Indonesian Name | Nama Indonesia: Rajungan Salib, Kepiting Salib
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูลาย (Pūlāy)
Local Hokkien: Hong Kah Cheek
Local Cantonese: Fong Kah Hai
Main Identification Features: Carapace ovate. Distinctive pattern of longitudinal stripes of maroon and white, usually with distinct white cross on median part of gastric region. Maximum carapace width 20 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Prefers sandy to sandy-muddy substrates, at depths from 30 to 60 m. Fully marine, do not live long out of sea water.

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Common Name: Ridged Swimming Crab
Scientific Name: Charybdis natator (Herbst, 1789)
Family: Portunidae
Chinese Name: 善泳蟳 (Shàn yǒng xún), 石蟹 (Shí xiè), 石螃蟹 (Shí pángxiè)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ketam Batik
Indonesian Name | Nama Indonesia: Kepiting Merah
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูหินก้ามสัน (Pū h̄in k̂ām s̄ạn)
Main Identification Features: Carapace with distinct ridges or granular patches behind level of last pair of anterolateral teeth. Carapace and limbs reddish purple with blue at the base of the black pincers. Maximum carapace width 17 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Prefers rocky to sandy-rocky bottoms, from intertidal to 50 m. Feeds on fish, shrimp, mollusks and other crabs.
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Common Name: Blue Swimming Crab, Flower Crab
Scientific Name: Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1766)
Family: Portunidae
Chinese Name: 远海梭子蟹 (Yuǎnhǎi suōzixiè), 花蟹 (Huā xiè)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ketam Laut, Ketam Renjong, Ketam Bunga
Indonesian Name | Nama Indonesia: Rajungan Biru, Rajungan Batik
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูม้า (Pūm̂ā)
Local Hokkien: Cheek
Local Teochew: Cheek
Local Cantonese: Fah Hai
Main Identification Features: Nine teeth on each anterolateral margin. Last anterolateral tooth enlarged, at least 2 times larger than others. 4 acutely triangular teeth between eyes. Males with blue markings, females dull green. Maximum carapace width 20 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Prefers sandy to sandy-muddy substrates in shallow waters down to a depth of 50 m. Fully marine, do not live long out of sea water.

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Common Name: Orange Mud Crab, Red Claw Mud Crab, Burrow Mud Crab, Mangrove Mud Crab
Scientific Name: Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796)
Family: Portunidae
Chinese Name: 榄绿青蟹 (Lǎn lǜ qīng xiè), 螃蟹 (Páng xiè)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ketam Bakau, Ketam Bangkang, Ketam Lubang, Ketam Lubuk, Ketam Nipah Sepit Merah
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูดำ (Pū dam), ปูแดง (Pū dæng)
Local Hokkien: Cheem
Local Teochew: Hoi
Local Cantonese: Yook Hai
Main Identification Features: Carapace brownish to brownish green in color depending on habitat. Frontal lobe spines between eyes low in height and rounded in shape. Inner and outer margin of the carpus (elbow of claw) without spines. Cheliped color ranging from red brown to dark brown. Palm orange to yellow. Polygonal markings not present on chelipeds, walking legs and female abdomen.
Habitat and Ecology: Live intertidally in mangroves mud burrows. Feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, fishes and detritus.
Remarks: Be careful of the powerful claws. Do not handle if not trained.
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Common Name: Indo-pacific Swamp-Crab, Giant mud crab
Scientific Name: Scylla serrata (Forsskål, 1775)
Family: Portunidae
Chinese Name: 锯缘青蟹 (Jù yuán qīng xiè), 螃蟹 (Páng xiè)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ketam Nipah, Ketam Bakau, Ketam Bangkang
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูเขียว (Pū k̄heīyw), ปูทะเล (Pū thale)
Local Hokkien: Cheem
Local Teochew: Hoi
Local Cantonese: Yook Hai
Main Identification Features: Carapace green to almost black. H-shaped gastric groove deep. Relatively broad frontal lobes. Frontal lobe spines between eyes high. Inner and outer margin of the carpus (elbow of claw) spines obvious. Polygonal patterning strong on chelipeds and legs.
Habitat and Ecology: While other Scylla species prefer less saline waters, S. serrata refers high salinity waters and may be found at more than 75 m depth, although usually found just offshore on soft muddy bottoms. Adults migrate offshore to spawn. Hide in burrows (down to 5 meters depth) in mangroves and soft substrates in shallow or intertidal waters. Forages at night on incoming tides feeding on shrimps, crabs, fishes, and bivalves.
Remarks: Be careful of the powerful claws. Do not handle if not trained.

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Common Name: Purple Mud Crab
Scientific Name: Scylla tranquebarica (Fabricius, 1798)
Family: Portunidae
Chinese Name: 紫螯青蟹 (Zǐ áo qīng xiè), 螃蟹 (Páng xiè)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ketam Derdap, Ketam Nipah Sepit Ungu
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูม่วง (Pū m̀wng)
Local Hokkien: Cheem
Local Teochew: Hoi
Local Cantonese: Yook Hai
Main Identification Features: Frontal lobe spines between eyes moderately high. Inner and outer margin of the carpus (elbow of claw) spines obvious. Polygonal patterning weak on chelipeds and first two pairs of legs but last two pairs of legs with stronger patterning.
Habitat and Ecology: Bury in sandy substrate during the day and forage for food at night. Feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, fishes and detritus.
Remarks: Be careful of the powerful claws. Do not handle if not trained.

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Common Name: Spanner Crab, Kona Crab, Red Frog Crab
Scientific Name: Ranina ranina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Raninidae
Chinese Name: 旭蟹 (Xù xiè), 虎螃蟹 (Hǔ pángxiè), 加菲蟹 (Jiā fēi xiè), 玩具蟹 (Wánjù xiè)
Japanese Name | 和名: アサヒガニ (Asahigani)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ketam Merah
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูจักจั่น (Pū cạkcạ̀n)
Main Identification Features: Carapace longitudinally ovate. Dorsal surface strongly granulose or squamose to smooth. Chelae and legs laterally flattened. Overall orange to red in color.
Size: Maximum carapace length 15 cm (males) and 12 cm (females); weight up to 900 g (males) and 400 g (females).
Habitat and Ecology: Distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, including Australia, Guam, New Caledonia, and Hawaii. Mainly in more oceanic waters, to depths of more than 100 m, with preference for open sandy areas. Feeds on a variety of worms and soft shelled mollusks.

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Species Group: Lobsters, Spiny rock lobster, etc (ISSCAAP 43)
Common Name: Spiny Lobster, Mud Spiny Lobster, Long-whiskered Rock Lobster, Mud Rock Lobster
Scientific Name: Panulirus polyphagus (Herbst, 1793)
Family: Palinuridae
Chinese Name: 龙虾 (Lóngxiā), 黄斑龙虾 (Huángbān lóngxiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang karang, Udang Kara
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งมังกร (Kûngmạngkorn)
Local Hokkien: Leng Heh
Local Cantonese: Long Haa
Main Identification Features: Antennular plate with 2 strong spines and without scattered small spinules. Body pale green, without spots. Abdomen with narrow transverse yellowish white bands. Legs irregularly spotted.
Size: Maximum total body length 40.0 cm, commonly to 25.0 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found mainly at river-influenced shelf in shallow, turbid water with moderate run-off, from 3 to 90 m depths, but usually less than 40 m.

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Common Name: Slipper Lobster, Flathead Lobster, Bay Lobster
Scientific Name: Thenus indicus Leach, 1816
Family: Scyllaridae
Chinese Name: 虾婆 (Xiā pó), 印度扁虾 (Yìndù biǎn xiā), 琵琶虾 (Pípá xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Lobok, Udang Ketak, Udang Kipas, Udang Pasir, Kutu Lumpur
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กั้งกระดาน (Kậngkradān)
Local Hokkien: Heh Po
Local Cantonese: Pei Paa Haa
Main Identification Features: Body strongly depressed. Carapace trapezoid, narrowing posteriorly. Orbits on the anterolateral angle of the carapace. No spot on pereiopods. Outer face of propodus of second pereiopod having upper-most longitudinal groove bearing obvious setae over at least proximal half. Merus of third maxilliped with a small spine proximally on inner ventral margin; inner margin of ischium prominently dentate along entire length. Abdominal segments, each with lateral margins expanded downward concealing the pleopods.
Size: Maximum body length 25 cm, commonly to about 16 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Depth range usually between 10 to 30 m, on soft substrate, sand or mud, or a mixture of the two. Nocturnal, buries into soft substrate during daytime, comes out to forage at night.
Remarks: Prior to 1990's all Thenus are considered as one species, T. orientalis.
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Common Name: Slipper Lobster, Flathead Lobster, Bay Lobster
Scientific Name: Thenus unimaculatus Burton & Davie, 2007
Family: Scyllaridae
Chinese Name: 虾婆 (Xiā pó), 扁虾 (Biǎn xiā), 琵琶虾 (Pípá xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Lobok, Udang Ketak, Udang Kipas, Udang Pasir, Kutu Lumpur
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กั้งกระดาน (Kậngkradān)
Local Hokkien: Heh Po
Local Cantonese: Pei Paa Haa
Main Identification Features: Body strongly depressed. Carapace trapezoid, narrowing posteriorly. Eye orbits located at anterolateral angles of carapace. Purple to black blotches on pereiopods.
Size: Maximum body length 25 cm, commonly to about 16 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Inhabits bottoms of soft substrate, sand and/or mud, usually at depths from 10 to 50 m. Nocturnal, buries into soft substrate during daytime, comes out to forage at night. Feeds mainly on benthic bivalves and gastropods.
Remarks: Prior to 1990's all Thenus are considered as one species, T. orientalis.

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Species Group: King crabs, squat-lobsters, etc (ISSCAAP 44)
Common Name: Lilac Land Hermit Crab, Light Purple Land Hermit Crab
Scientific Name: Coenobita lila Rahayu, Shih & P.K.L. Ng, 2016
Family: Coenobitidae
Chinese Name: 陆寄居蟹 (Lù jì jū xiè)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Umang Umang, Kelomang, Siput Pertapa
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปูเสฉวนบก (Pū s̄e c̄hawn bok)
Main Identification Features: Left 2nd pereiopod (walking leg) lateral face of propodus densely tuberculated. Left 3rd pereiopod dactylus dorsal surface broad and long (1.2–1.4 times longer than propodus). Color in life usually purple, violet, or pale violet in adults. Eye stalks white or light purple.
Habitat and Ecology: Upper intertidal to 100 m inland from the beach.
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Species Group: Shrimps, prawns, etc (ISSCAAP 45)
Common Name: Caridean Snapping Shrimp
Scientific Name: Alpheus chiragricus Milne-Edwards, 1837
Family: Alpheidae
Chinese Name: 脆甲鼓虾 (Cuì jiǎ gǔ xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Pistol
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งดีดขัน (Kûng dīd k̄hạn)
Main Identification Features: Claws asymmetrical. Orbital teeth lacking. Asymmetrical chela. Major chela with dactyl bearing very short, obliquely truncate plunger. Rostrum slender and tapering to a point, carina extending posteriorly onto anterior gastric region.
Size: Maximum total length 38mm.
Habitat and Ecology: Sand-silt and sand-mud bottoms with abundance of shells, gravel, rocks and bryozoans, from lower intertidal to well below 100 m.

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Common Name: Greasyback Shrimp, Mud Prawn, Sand Prawn, Gei Wai Shrimp
Scientific Name: Metapenaeus ensis (De Haan, 1844)
Family: Penaeidae
Chinese Name: 蓝尾虾 (Lán wěi xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Ekor Biru
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งตะกาดกรีจุด (Kûng takād krī cud)
Local Hokkien: Lam Bueh
Main Identification Features: Rostrum nearly straight, armed with 8 to 11 teeth along entire upper margin. Body greyish green or dark green and covered with dense dark brown dots, large adults somewhat pinkish. Distal part of uropods (tail) bluish with reddish brown margins.
Size: Maximum body length 18.9 cm (females) and 15.4 cm (males), commonly between 7 and 14 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found mainly in turbid waters down to a depth of 95 m over bottoms of mud, sandy-mud or silt.

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Common Name: Coromandel Shrimp, Kiddi Shrimp
Scientific Name: Parapenaeopsis coromandelica Alcock, 1906
Synonym: Parapenaeopsis stylifera coromandelica Alcock, 1906, Parapenaeopsis stylifera (Milne-Edwards, 1837)
Family: Penaeidae
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Minyak
Main Identification Features: Rostrum sigmoid-shaped, strongly upcurved, distal more than half toothless, extend beyond third segment of antennular peduncle. A conspicuously separated epigastric tooth. Body yellowish red with black spots. Antennal red. Tail reddish.
Size: Maximum body length about 12 cm (males and females).
Habitat and Ecology: Found in shallow waters to a depth of about 11 m, mainly on mud.
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Common Name: Sharp-Rostrum Prawn, Spear Shrimp
Scientific Name: Parapenaeopsis hardwickii (Miers, 1878)
Family: Penaeidae
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Minyak
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งปล้อง (Kûng plong), กุ้งโอคักใหญ่ (Kûng xo khạk yai)
Main Identification Features: Rostrum armed with 9 to 11 upper teeth. Females rostrum very long and of sigmoidal shape, with distal 1/3 to 1/2 toothless,extending far beyond antennular peduncle. Males rostrum unarmed portion absent and slightly curving downward, only reaching to middle of second antennular segment. Longitudinal suture long extending to about 3/4 or more carapace length. Body naked and smooth, greyish to greenish grey, sometimes pink, and densely covered with dark-colored dots. Antennular flagella long and banded. Telson armed with 4 pairs of lateral movable spines. Eyes dark brown. Uropods (tail) dark reddish brown with yellowish margins.
Size: Maximum body length 13.5 cm (females) and 11.1 cm (males), commonly between 6 and 10 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found from the coastline to depths of about 90 m, usually less than 20 m, on bottom of mud, sandy-mud or sand. Juveniles mainly inhabit estuaries and backwaters.

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Common Name: Dog Shrimp, Pink Tiger Prawn, Banded Sharp Rostrum Prawn
Scientific Name: Parapenaeopsis hungerfordi Alcock, 1905
Synonym: Alcockpenaeopsis hungerfordi (Alcock, 1905)
Family: Penaeidae
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Minyak Jalur
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งปล้อง (Kûng plong)
Main Identification Features: Rostrum long with distal portion slightly curves upward and exceeding antennular peduncle. Epigastric tooth present. Longitudinal suture spans 2/3 the length of the carapace. Body color grayish pink. Abdomen has brown, orange and black transverse stripes. Tip of tail fan orange red.
Size: Maximum body length 104 mm (females) and 78 mm (males), commonly between 40 and 90 mm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on mud or sandy mud bottoms, from depths of 5 to 45 m, usually less than 25 m.
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Common Name: Rainbow Prawn
Scientific Name: Parapenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller, 1862)
Family: Penaeidae
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Kulit Keras
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งปล้อง (Kûng plong), กุ้งจิ๊กโก๋ (Kûng cík kǒ)
Main Identification Features: Rostrum long and sigmoidal. Longitudinal suture long, extending near to posterior carapace. Body strikingly cross-banded. Telson without fixed lateral spines.
Size: Maximum body length 17 cm (females) and 13 cm (males).
Habitat and Ecology: Inhabits sand, mud, mud flats, mud mixed with shell fragments, fine sloppy alluvial silt, and clean sand with coarse shell and gravel. Usually found in shallow waters from the coastline to depths of about 90 m, but mainly less than 40 m. Juveniles mainly found in coastal mud flats or sand flats near to mangroves. Omnivorous bottom feeder.

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Common Name: Kuruma Prawn, Japanese Shrimp, Banded Shrimp, Flowery Prawn, Ginger Prawn, Tiger Prawn
Scientific Name: Penaeus japonicus Bate, 1888
Synonym: Marsupenaeus japonicus (Bate, 1888)
Family: Penaeidae
Chinese Name: 日本囊对虾 (Rìběn náng duìxiā), 日本对虾 (Rìběn duìxiā), 九节虾 (Jiǔ jié xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Harimau
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งลายเสือญี่ปุ่น (Kûng lāy s̄eụ̄x ỵī̀pùn), กุ้งม้าลาย (Kûng m̂ālāy)
Local Hokkien: Hor Heh
Main Identification Features: Rostrum horizontal and overreaching distral margin of antennular peduncle. Rostrum armed one lower tooth. Body pale yellowish crossed with angled dark brown transverse bands. Last abdominal band interrupted. Distal part of uropods with a patch of bright yellow, followed by another patch of bright blue, and with red margins.
Size: Maximum total length 19 cm (male), 22.5 cm (female). Maximum carapace length 5.3 cm (male), 6.6 cm (female).
Habitat and Ecology: Inhabits shelf areas from the coastline to depths of about 90 m, usually less than 50 m, on sandy or sandy-mud bottoms. Adult usually buried in the substrate during the daytime and active at night. Opportunistic carnivore, feeds mainly on polychaetes, crustaceans and mollusks.
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Common Name: Banana Prawn
Scientific Name: Penaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888)
Family: Penaeidae
Chinese Name: 大虾 (Dà xiā), 明虾 (Míng xiā), 大明虾 (Dà míng xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Putih, Udang Toheh
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งแชบ๊วย (Kûng chæb́wy), กุ้งขาว (Kûng k̄hāw)
Local Hokkien: Tua Heh
Local Teochew: Tua Heh
Main Identification Features: Rostral crest high and triangular. Body color creamy white to yellow. Antennal flagella (long whiskers) reddish brown. Basis of pleopods with conspicuous blue spot distally. Distal half of inner flagellum colorless. Distal part of uropods yellowish green with red margins.
Size: Maximum total length 18.4 cm (male), 22.8 cm (female) usually much smaller (17 cm). Maximum carapace length 5.6 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on mud or sand bottoms, from 2 to 90 m. Adults marine and juveniles estuarine.

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Common Name: Giant Tiger Prawn
Scientific Name: Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798)
Family: Penaeidae
Chinese Name: 斑节对虾 (Bān jié duìxiā), 老虎虾 (Lǎo hǔ xiā), 草虾 (Cǎo xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Harimau
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งกุลาดำ (Kûng kulādả)
Local Hokkien: Hor Heh
Main Identification Features: Rostrum armed with 6 to 8 upper teeth and 3 lower teeth. Body green-brown to dark green with yellow and dark-brown transverse band across each abdominal segment. Antennal flagella (long whiskers) uniformly greenish brown. Pleopods somewhat reddish or pale red, with bases bright yellow and blue. Distal half of uropods dark blue or dark brown with a red or mud-yellow median transverse band, and with reddish margin.
Size: Maximum body length 35 cm (females) and 26.8 cm (males), commonly between 12 and 20 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on sand, mud, or slits bottoms, from the coastline to depths of about 150 m, usually less than 30 m.

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Common Name: Red Tail Prawn
Scientific Name: Penaeus penicillatus Alcock, 1905
Family: Penaeidae
Chinese Name: 红尾虾 (Hóng wěi xiā), 大虾 (Dà xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Ekor Merah, Udang Toheh
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งหางแดง (Kûng h̄āng dæng)
Local Hokkien: Tua Heh
Local Teochew: Tua Heh
Main Identification Features: Rostrum with 7 to 9 upper teeth and 3 to 5 lower teeth. Rostral crest high. Dorsal carina is present from posterior half of the 4th to 6th abdominal somites. Body semi-translucent, somewhat greenish and covered with numerous minute dark brown dots. Antennular flagella (short whiskers) of same color as body and covered with many dark spots. Antennal flagella (long whiskers) reddish brown. Uropods (tail) with distinct reddish tips.
Size: Maximum body length 21.2 cm (carapace length 3.3 cm) in females and 16.3 cm (carapace length 3.1 cm) in males, commonly between 10 and 16 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on sandy or muddy bottoms, from the coastline to a depth of about 90 m.

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Common Name: Green Tiger Prawn
Scientific Name: Penaeus semisulcatus de Haan, 1844
Family: Penaeidae
Chinese Name: 老虎虾 (Lǎo hǔ xiā), 绿虎虾 (Lǜ hǔ xiā), 花虾 (Huā xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Harimau
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กุ้งกุลาลาย (Kûng kulālāy)
Local Hokkien: Hor Heh
Main Identification Features: Rostrum with 6 to 8 upper teeth and 3 lower teeth. Carapace covered with mud-yellow transverse bands. Body and tail fan with greyish brown and mud-yellow cross bands. Antennal flagella (long whiskers) with white and brown alternate bands. Bases of legs and pleopods, and tips of legs whitish. Distal half of uropods dark reddish brown and with red margins.
Size: Maximum body length 25 cm (females) and 18 cm (males), commonly between 13 and 18 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on sand, mud, or sandy-mud bottoms, from the coastline to depths of about 130 m, usually less than 60 m.

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Common Name: False White Prawn
Scientific Name: Penaeus silasi Muthu and Motoh, 1979
Chinese Name: 玻璃虾 (Bōlí xiā), 南亚明对虾 (Nányà míng duìxiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Putih, Udang Kuning
Local Hokkien: Poli Heh
Main Identification Features: Rostrum nearly horizontal straight; antennal flagella reddish brown. Rostral crest slightly to moderately elevated in males but broadly triangular in large females. Third maxilliped of males with distal segment as long as second segment. Body semi-translucent, somewhat yellowish white in small specimens to pinkish in large specimens and covered with numerous minute dark brown dots (dots becoming obscure in large specimens). Antennal flagella (long whisker) reddish brown. Distal part of uropods yellowish with red margins.
Size: Maximum body length 20 cm in females (carapace length 4.8 cm) and 15.3 cm in males (carapace length 4.1 cm), commonly between 12 and 16 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on muddy bottom in shallow waters to a depth of about 36 m.
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Species Group: Miscellaneous marine crustaceans (ISSCAAP 47)
Common Name: Silver Mantis Shrimp, Robber Harpiosquillid Mantis Shrimp
Scientific Name: Harpiosquilla harpax (de Haan, 1844)
Family: Squillidae and Harpiosquillidae
Chinese Name: 竖琴猛虾蛄 (Shùqín měng xiā gū), 眼斑猛虾蛄 (Yǎn bān měng xiā gū), 濑尿虾 (Lài niào xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Lipan, Udang Getak, Udang Mentadak, Udang Eiko, Udang Ronggeng, Udang Mantis, Udang Belalang
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กั้งตั๊กแตนยักษ์ (Kậng tạ́ketæn yak)
Local Hokkien: Heh Korr
Local Teochew: Heh Kow
Local Cantonese: Hah Ku, Lai Niu Haa
Main Identification Features: Posterolateral corner of carapace excavate. Propodus of claw with small spines. Intermediate carinae of thoracic somites without posterior spine. Marginal carina of telson more than twice as long as carina of lateral tooth. Raptorial claw dactylus with 8 teeth. Two black spots separated from the right and left telson. Telson and bone light green in color.
Size: Maximum total length about 26.2 cm, usually 17 cm or less. Total length is measured along the midline from the tip of the rostrum to the apices of the submedian teeth.
Habitat and Ecology: Inhabits level bottoms water, near shore to depths of about 100 m, usually less than 30 m. Opportunistic and omnivorous predator, feeds mainly on fishes, crustaceans, and squids. Capable of catching live fishes with the large raptorial claws by spearing.

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Common Name: Giant Harpiosquillid Mantis Shrimp, Spearer Mantis Shrimp
Scientific Name: Harpiosquilla raphidea (Fabricius, 1798)
Family: Squillidae and Harpiosquillidae
Chinese Name: 棘突猛虾蛄 (Jí tū měng xiā gū), 濑尿虾 (Lài niào xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Lipan, Udang Getak, Udang Mentadak, Udang Eiko, Udang Ronggeng, Udang Mantis, Udang Belalang
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กั้งตั๊กแตนหางจุด (Kậng tạ́ketæn h̄āng cud)
Local Hokkien: Heh Korr
Local Teochew: Heh Kow
Local Cantonese: Hah Ku, Lai Niu Haa
Main Identification Features: Posterolateral corner of carapace excavate. Propodus of claw with small spines. Intermediate carinae of thoracic somites with posterior spine. Two black spots united the right and left of telson. Telson and bone dark green in color.
Size: Maximum total length more than 33 cm, commonly above 16 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Inhabits level bottoms in shallow coastal waters and estuaries, from 2 to about 50 m. Usually burrows in sandy mud between 50 to 200 cm depth.
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Common Name: Giant Small-eyed Mantis Shrimp, Smalleyed Squillid Mantis Shrimp, Three Band Mantis Shrimp
Scientific Name: Miyakea nepa (Latreille, 1828)
Family: Squillidae
Chinese Name: 长叉三宅虾蛄 (Zhǎng chā sānzhái xiā gū), 长叉口虾蛄 (Zhǎng chā kǒu xiā gū), 濑尿虾 (Lài niào xiā)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Udang Lipan, Udang Getak, Udang Mentadak, Udang Eiko, Udang Ronggeng, Udang Mantis, Udang Belalang
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กั้งตั๊กแตนสามแถบ (Kậng tạ́ktæn s̄ām t̄hæb)
Local Hokkien: Heh Korr
Local Teochew: Heh Kow
Local Cantonese: Hah Ku, Lai Niu Haa
Main Identification Features: Posterolateral corners of carapace rounded. Propodus of claw with blunt pectinations. Median carina on the carapace uninterrupted, splits posterior to the dorsal pit on the midline of the carapace, and extends almost to the anterior margin of the carapace. Raptorial claw armed with 6 teeth. Without two black spots in telson. Telson and bone dark green in color.
Size: Maximum total length about 17 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Inhabits level bottoms of sand and mud substrates, from near shore to less than 25 m depth.

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Common Name: Mantis Shrimp, Blackspot Mantis Shrimp
Scientific Name: Oratosquillina interrupta (Kemp, 1911)
Family: Squillidae
Chinese Name: 断脊似口虾蛄 (Duàn jí shì kǒu xiā gū), 濑尿虾 (Lài niào xiā)
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: กั้งตั๊กแตน (Kậng tạ́ketæn)
Local Hokkien: Heh Korr
Local Teochew: Heh Kow
Local Cantonese: Hah Ku, Lai Niu Haa
Main Identification Features: Anterior branches of bifurcation of median carina of carapace present, well formed, median carina interrupted at base of bifurcation. Raptorial claw dactylus with 6 teeth. Dorsal ridge on carpus of raptorial claw tuberculate. Lobe between spines of basal prolongation of uropod convex. Median carina with a proximal dark maroon spot. Telson apices of primary teeth red. Exopod distal segment yellow (both inner and outer half) with dark infusion on proximal third.
Size: Maximum total length about 16.0 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Found on sandy or muddy bottom in sheltered coastal waters and bays, from near shore to 25 m depth.
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ISSCAAP = International Standard Statistical Classification of Aquatic Animals and Plants
sp. = Species
spp. = Several Species (Species Plural)