Butterflyfishes or chaetodontids are members of the Chaetodontidae family. They are mostly found on shallow coral reefs, lagoons and outer reef slopes to depths of 60 m or more. They can be recognized by having deep and highly compressed body, but without a strong spine at the preopercle. Almost all butterflyfishes species are very brightly coloured with complex and varied colour patterns. Almost all of the species eye is obscured within a dark coloured vertical ocular bar or dark region on the head. Many species with a dark occellate spot on the posterior portion of the body that resembles an eye.Butterflyfishes feed on corals and other marine invertebrates. They are rarely caught for food. The primary fishery value of butterflyfishes is through the ornamental marine aquarium trade.
There are 12 genera and about 130 species of butterflyfishes worldwide.
Common Butterflyfishes Species
Scientific Name: Chelmon rostratus (Linnaeus, 1758)
English Name: Copperband Butterflyfish, Beaked Butterflyfish
French Name: Chelmon Commun
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 长吻钻嘴鱼 (Zhǎng wěn zuān zuǐ yú), 铜斑蝴蝶鱼 (Tóng bān húdié yú)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Keper Sumpit, Ikan Bagang, Pipit
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาผีเสื้อปากยาว (Plā p̄hīs̄eụ̄̂x pāk yāw)
Main Identification Features: Elongated snout, orange bars and a dark occellate spot at the base of dorsal fins.
Size: Maximum total length 20 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Coastal and inner reefs, 1 to 25 m depth. Generally occurs in pairs. Feeds on benthic invertebrates.

Scientific Name: Parachaetodon ocellatus (Cuvier, 1831)
English Name: Sixspine Butterflyfish, Ocellated Coralfish
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 副蝴蝶鱼 (Fù hú dié yú)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Pancang Bendera, Keper Laut, Ikan Bagang, Ikan Bendera
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาผีเสื้อครีบจุด (Plā p̄hīs̄eụ̄̂x khrīb cud)
Main Identification Features: Yellowish body with four dark brown bands. Dark blotch at the base of anterior dorsal fin.
Size: Maximum total length 18 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Coral reefs and lagoons, 5 to 40 m depth. Form pairs during breeding. Adults school in large numbers in deep water. Feeds on small benthic invertebrates and possibly sponges.