Breams (Threadfin Breams)
Members of the Nemipteridae family are found mainly in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-West Pacific. They are distinguished by having a single continuous dorsal fin, with 10 spines and 9 soft rays, and anal fin with 3 spines and 7 to 8 soft rays. Their colours are extremely variable, but often pinkish or reddish with red, yellow or blue markings.Nemipterids are carnivorous bottom-living fishes feeding mainly on other small fishes, cephalopods, crustaceans, and polychaetes. They can be solitary or schooling and do not appear to be territorial. Worldwide, there are 5 genera and about 66 species. The 5 genera are Nemipterus (Threadfin Breams), Parascolopsis (Dwarf Monocle Breams), Pentapodus (Whiptails), Scaevius (Coral Breams) and Scolopsis (Monocle Breams).
Threadfin Breams or Nemipterus are distinguished from other nemipterids by not having suborbital spine and 3 transverse scale rows on preopercle.
Common Threadfin Breams Species
Scientific Name: Nemipterus furcosus (Valenciennes, 1830)
English Name: Fork-tailed Threadfin Bream, Rosy Threadfin Bream
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 红金线鱼 (Hóng jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: モモイトヨリ (Momoitoyori)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Merah Ros, Ikan Kerisi, Kurisi, Gurisi, Merah
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาทรายแดงหางส้อม (Plā thrāy dæng h̄āng s̄̂xm)
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Main Identification Features: Nine indistinct cross bar present on dorsal of body. White strip present on lower lobe of caudal fin.English Name: Fork-tailed Threadfin Bream, Rosy Threadfin Bream
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 红金线鱼 (Hóng jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: モモイトヨリ (Momoitoyori)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Merah Ros, Ikan Kerisi, Kurisi, Gurisi, Merah
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาทรายแดงหางส้อม (Plā thrāy dæng h̄āng s̄̂xm)
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Size: Maximum standard length 22.5 cm, commonly to 18 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Sand and mud bottoms and in sheltered estuaries, 8 to 110 m depth. Feeds during the day, mainly on crustaceans and small fishes.

Scientific Name: Nemipterus hexodon (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
English Name: Ornate Threadfin Bream, Yellow-banded Butterfly Bream
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 虹色金线鱼 (Hóng sè jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: ニジイトヨリ (Nijiitoyori)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Pelangi, Ikan Kerisi, Kurisi, Gurisi Merah, Pasir-pasir
Indonesian Name | Nama Indonesia: Ikan Gresik, Kresek, Kerisi, Kurisi, Kambayan, Teribang, Tukak
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาทรายแดงโม่ง (Plā thrāy dæng mòng)
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Main Identification Features: Pectoral fins long, reaching to or beyond level of anus. Pelvic fins very long, reaching to or just beyond level of anus. Caudal fin forked, upper lobe slightly longer than lower, tipped with yellow. 6 to 8 pale yellow stripes on sides from below lateral line. Blood red, ovoid spot below origin of lateral line, bordered below by bright yellow. Dorsal fin translucent whitish, with a yellow margin and a narrow yellow stripe (bordered by narrow pale bluish-white stripe). Golden reflections behind eye, on cheeks and opercle.English Name: Ornate Threadfin Bream, Yellow-banded Butterfly Bream
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 虹色金线鱼 (Hóng sè jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: ニジイトヨリ (Nijiitoyori)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Pelangi, Ikan Kerisi, Kurisi, Gurisi Merah, Pasir-pasir
Indonesian Name | Nama Indonesia: Ikan Gresik, Kresek, Kerisi, Kurisi, Kambayan, Teribang, Tukak
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาทรายแดงโม่ง (Plā thrāy dæng mòng)
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Size: Maximum standard length 21 cm, commonly to 15 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Sand and mud bottoms, 10 to 80 m depth. Feeds mainly on small shrimps, squid, small fishes, and benthic organisms.
Scientific Name: Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch, 1791)
English Name: Japanese Threadfin Bream
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 日本金线鱼 (Rìběn jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: ニホンイトヨリ (Nihon itoyori)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Jepun, Ikan Kerisi, Kurisi, Gurisi, Geretak Lanta
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาทรายแดงญี่ปุ่น (Plā thrāy dæng ỵī̀pùn)
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Main Identification Features: Upper lobe of caudal fin slightly longer than lower lobe and produced into a short or moderately long yellow filament. A prominent red-suffused yellow blotch below origin of lateral line. Eleven or twelve pale golden yellow stripes along body from behind head to base of caudal fin.English Name: Japanese Threadfin Bream
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 日本金线鱼 (Rìběn jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: ニホンイトヨリ (Nihon itoyori)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Jepun, Ikan Kerisi, Kurisi, Gurisi, Geretak Lanta
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาทรายแดงญี่ปุ่น (Plā thrāy dæng ỵī̀pùn)
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Size: Maximum standard length 25 cm, commonly to 15 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Sand and mud bottoms, 5 to 80 m depth. Usually found in schools. Feeds mainly on small fishes, crustaceans, molluscs, polychaetes, and echinoderms.

Scientific Name: Nemipterus peronii (Valenciennes, 1830)
English Name: Notchedfin Threadfin Bream
French Name: Cohana tolu
Spanish Name: Baga tolú
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 菲氏金线鱼 (Fēi shì jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: シャムイトヨリ (Shamuitoyori)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Merah, Gurisi Merah, Ikan Kerisi, Kerisi Jantan, Kurisi, Merah, Bantang
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาทรายแดงกระโดงเว้า (Plā thrāy dæng kradong wêā)
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Main Identification Features: Elongated dorsal fin spines with deeply incised interspinous membrane. A diffuse pale reddish spot below and just behind origin of lateral line and a golden yellow stripe on snout in front of eye passing through nostrils.English Name: Notchedfin Threadfin Bream
French Name: Cohana tolu
Spanish Name: Baga tolú
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 菲氏金线鱼 (Fēi shì jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: シャムイトヨリ (Shamuitoyori)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Merah, Gurisi Merah, Ikan Kerisi, Kerisi Jantan, Kurisi, Merah, Bantang
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาทรายแดงกระโดงเว้า (Plā thrāy dæng kradong wêā)
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Size: Maximum standard length 26.5 cm, commonly to 17 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Sand and mud bottoms, 17 to 100 m depth. Usually found in small groups. Feeds during the day mainly on fishes, crustaceans, molluscs and worms.

Scientific Name: Nemipterus tambuloides (Bleeker 1853)
English Name: Fivelined Threadfin Bream
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 五带金线鱼 (Wǔ dài jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: ジャバイトヨリ (Jabaitoyori)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Jalur Lima, Gurisi, Ikan Kerisi, Kurisi
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาทรายแดงแถบ (Plā thrāy dæng t̄hæb)
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Main Identification Features: Lower margin of eye tangent to or just above a line from tip of snout to upper base of pectoral fins. Pectoral and pelvic fins long, reaching to between level of anus and origin of anal fin. Upper lobe of caudal fin pointed, with sulphur-yellow tip. 5 well-defined sulphur yellow stripes along body, the second stripe running from snout through eye to upper caudal-fin base.English Name: Fivelined Threadfin Bream
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 五带金线鱼 (Wǔ dài jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: ジャバイトヨリ (Jabaitoyori)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Jalur Lima, Gurisi, Ikan Kerisi, Kurisi
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาทรายแดงแถบ (Plā thrāy dæng t̄hæb)
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Size: Maximum standard length 23 cm, commonly to 18 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Usually found on sand or mud bottoms from depths of 50 to 70 m.
Scientific Name: Nemipterus virgatus (Houttuyn, 1782)
English Name: Golden Threadfin Bream
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 金线鱼 (Jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: イトヨリダイ (Itoyoridai)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Emas, Ikan Kerisi, Kurisi, Gurisi Merah
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Main Identification Features: A Yellow stripe on back above lateral line and 5 yellow stripes on sides beneath lateral line. A yellow stripe from upper lip extending to underside margin of eye. Upper lobe of caudal fin with a trailing filament.English Name: Golden Threadfin Bream
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 红哥里 (Hóng gē lǐ), 金线鱼 (Jīn xiàn yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: イトヨリダイ (Itoyoridai)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Kerisi Emas, Ikan Kerisi, Kurisi, Gurisi Merah
Local Hokkien: Ang Goh Li
Local Teochew: Ang Nee
Size: Maximum standard length 35 cm, commonly to 23 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Sand and mud bottoms, 18 to 220 m depth. Feeds mainly on crustaceans, fishes and cephalopods.