Angelfishes or pomacanthids are members of Pomacanthidae family. They are mainly found on the outer coral reefs at depths of 5 to 60 meters. They can be recognized by having deep and highly compressed body, with a strong spine at the preopercle. Butterflyfishes which are similar in shape and colour to angelfishes do not have this spine. Almost all angelfish species are very brightly coloured with complex and varied colour patterns. They undergo a complete colour transformation from the juvenile to adult stage.
Angelfishes feed on sponges and other marine invertebrates. They are rarely caught for food. The primary fishery value of angelfishes is through the ornamental marine aquarium trade.
There are 8 genera and about 87 species of angelfishes worldwide.
Common Angelfishes Species List
English Name: Bluering Angelfish
French Name: Poisson-ange à anneau
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 蓝环神仙鱼 (Lán huán shénxiān yú), 蓝环盖刺鱼 (Lán huán gài cì yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: ワヌケヤッコ (Wanukeyakko)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Taring Pelanduk Cincin Biru, Ikan Toshiba, Ikan Babi
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาสินสมุทรวงฟ้า (Plā s̄in s̄muthr wng f̂ā)
Main Identification Features: Brown to yellow in colour with distinct curved blue lines on the body. Adult with a blue ring above the gill cover. The caudal fin is white with a yellow margin.
Size: Maximum total length 45 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Lagoons and coral reefs, 1 to 60 m depth. Usually solitary or in pairs. Feeds on zooplankton, sponges and tunicates.

English Name: Sixbar Angelfish
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 六带神仙鱼 (Liù dài shén xiān yú), 六带盖刺鱼 (Liù dài gài cì yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: ロクセンヤッコ (Rokusen'yakko)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Taring Pelanduk Belang Enam, Taring Pelandok
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาสินสมุทรวงฟ้า (Plā s̄in s̄muthr lāy bậng)
Main Identification Features: Adults yellowish tan with 6 distinct dark vertical bars on body and a broad white bar on head behind the eye. The caudal fin dark with blue dots. Juveniles blackish with about 15 curved, narrow blue and white bars on the sides.
Size: Maximum total length about 50 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Coral reefs, 3 to 60 m depth. Found solitary or in pairs. Feeds on sponges and tunicates.