False Trevally
The Lactariidae family has only one genus and one species worldwide. The fish looks similar to members of the trevallies family but defers by not having detached spines in front of its anal fin, relatively deep caudal peduncle, without scutes on the lateral line, and the anal fin have more soft rays than dorsal fin.
False trevally is found in the Indo–West Pacific marine waters. It is an excellent food fish but is hard to find in the fish market nowadays, probably due to overfishing by trawling activities in the 1970's.
False trevally is found in the Indo–West Pacific marine waters. It is an excellent food fish but is hard to find in the fish market nowadays, probably due to overfishing by trawling activities in the 1970's.
Scientific Name: Lactarius lactarius (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)
English Name: False Trevally, Milk Trevally, Big Jawed Jumper, Big-jaw Jumper, Silvery Lactarid, Milkfish
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 乳香魚 (Rǔxiāng yú), 乳鲭鱼 (Rǔ qīng yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: アクタウオ (Akutauo)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ikan Shrumbu, Selembu, Selembus, Selemah, Sumbur, Lemah, Lemak, Lemoh, Lemuk, Kelapa-kelapa, Kelina Pisang, Lami-lami, Kapas
Bahasa Indonesia: Ikan Susu, Lemah, Lemahan
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาใบขนุน (Plā by khenun)
Main Identification Features: Silvery grey with blue iridescence dorsally, silvery white ventrally. Upper part of gill cover with a dusky black spot. Fins pale yellow. Mouth large and oblique with maxilla reaching past middle of eye. Lower jaw protruding. A pair of small, sharp canine teeth at front of each jaw. Two dorsal fins: the first with VII or VIII spines, the second with I spine and 19 to 23 soft rays. Anal fin have more soft rays than dorsal fin. Without detached spines in front of anal fin. Caudal peduncle broad. Lateral line without scutes. Caudal fin forked.
Size: Maximum total length 40 cm, commonly to 30 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Coastal, schooling species over soft bottoms down to a depth of about 100 m. Feeds on sand-dwelling invertebrates and fishes.

English Name: False Trevally, Milk Trevally, Big Jawed Jumper, Big-jaw Jumper, Silvery Lactarid, Milkfish
Chinese Name | 鱼类中文名: 乳香魚 (Rǔxiāng yú), 乳鲭鱼 (Rǔ qīng yú)
Japanese Name | 和名: アクタウオ (Akutauo)
Malay Name | Nama Melayu Malaysia: Ikan Shrumbu, Selembu, Selembus, Selemah, Sumbur, Lemah, Lemak, Lemoh, Lemuk, Kelapa-kelapa, Kelina Pisang, Lami-lami, Kapas
Bahasa Indonesia: Ikan Susu, Lemah, Lemahan
Thai Name | ชื่อสามัญภาษาไทย: ปลาใบขนุน (Plā by khenun)
Main Identification Features: Silvery grey with blue iridescence dorsally, silvery white ventrally. Upper part of gill cover with a dusky black spot. Fins pale yellow. Mouth large and oblique with maxilla reaching past middle of eye. Lower jaw protruding. A pair of small, sharp canine teeth at front of each jaw. Two dorsal fins: the first with VII or VIII spines, the second with I spine and 19 to 23 soft rays. Anal fin have more soft rays than dorsal fin. Without detached spines in front of anal fin. Caudal peduncle broad. Lateral line without scutes. Caudal fin forked.
Size: Maximum total length 40 cm, commonly to 30 cm.
Habitat and Ecology: Coastal, schooling species over soft bottoms down to a depth of about 100 m. Feeds on sand-dwelling invertebrates and fishes.