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Cobia is distributed in most tropical and subtropical waters worldwide. They can be found from coastal water to the open sea, usually in small group. Their body is elongated, with a broad and depressed head. The first dorsal fin consists of 8 short isolated spines not connected by membrane. They feed on fish, shrimp, squid, and crabs. They can grow to 2 meters total length.

Cobia is a favorite with sport fishermen due to its fighting ability, endurance, strength and speed. They are popular for their resistance to be captured and multiple powerful runs. They are attracted to inanimate objects in the sea, appear to be attracted to noise and show a strong tendency to lie in the shadow of a boat. To a large extent, cobia feed near the bottom but may also take prey near the surface.

Other names for the fish:

Rachycentron canadum, Black king, Cobia, Crab eater, Lemon fish, Ling, Sergeant fish, Cubby yew, Sergeantfish, Crabeater, Beijo-pirá, Beijupirá, Beiupirá, Bejupirá, Bijupirá, Biupirá, Cação-de-escama, Cação-de-escamas, Canado, Chancarona, Parabiju, Parambiju, Parambijú, Peixe-rei, Pirá-biju, Pirabeju, Pirabiju, Pirambiju, Pirapiju, Pirão, Fogueteiro-galego, Peixe-sargento, Sargento, 海鲡, 军曹鱼, 海丽仔, 軍曹魚, 海鱺, Jūn cáo yú, Xí là bái, Bacalao, Caitay, Black salmon, Bonito, Cabio, Pejepalo, Sergentfisk, Mafou, Seersantkala, Okakala, Offiziersfisch, Sikn, Bonita, Bacalhau, Cod, Black king fish, Black kingfish, Butterfish, Prodigal son, Modasa, Madusa, Muddus, Sakala, Sakla, Cuddul-verarl, Kadal-viral, పెద్దా మొత్తా, Peddah-mottah, Badee, Gabus laut, Mondoh, Sookalla, Sugi, Sakan, 날쌔기, Nal-sae-gi, Hambe-mvrozo, Soa-ambina, Runner, Aruan tasik, Aruan tasek, Haruan tasik, Buntut karbo, Hai lay, Jaman, Ndjika, Nzanzuduma, Cobie, Kobia, Königsbarsch, Goada, Sikel, Kingfish, Pako, Balisukan, Itang, Pandauan, Sakalan itang, Tangiging-batang, Tangirion, Pandawan, Langa-langa, Sergent fish, Tiruk, Dalag-dalag, Langlanga, Hayoan-tasik, Dalag dagat, Dalag-dagat, Gile, Kume, Tayad, Tase, Tasi, Rachica, Filho-pródigo, Cobla, Seheeha, кобия, Кобия (=нигрита), сержант-рыба, Kumi nu'aakhr, Sikin, Todié, Takho, Sergeant-fish, Peje Palo, Cuddul-verari, Mudhila, Mudhilla, Mudhu luhula, Songoro, Gabas laut, Mondo, Seekel, Segel, Bonito negro, Cá Bớp, Cá Giò